TB Davie Memorial Academic Freedom Lecture at the University of Cape Town
UCT hosts the Memorial Academic Freedom Lecture, this Thursday, 13 August 2015, at Lunch time, in the Smuts Dining Hall, Upper Campus.
Topic: Free speech in the age of identity politics
Presented by: Kenan Malik
“The rise of identity politics in recent decades has transformed the landscape of free speech. Free speech is no longer seen as a universal good, while censorship is often seen as a progressive act, a means of protecting vulnerable people and social groups without power, and a tool with which to cut the powerful down to size. In this year’s TB Davie Memorial Academic Freedom Lecture, Kenan Malik examines the impact of identity politics on ideas of free speech, challenges the idea of censorship as a progressive act, and, in an age in which many embrace the politics of identity, remakes the case for free speech as a universal good.”
To make a booking, go to http://www.uct.ac.za/events?e=TB_Davie_Lecture