by Chelsea Brown | 6 Dec, 2024 | News, Terralex
Fairbridges Wertheim Becker (FWB) is pleased to announce that Julia Penn, Director and head of the Insurance and Medical Law team at FWB, has been appointed to the newly-formed NextGen Advisory Committee of TerraLex, one of the world’s leading international legal...
by Sean Slabber | 8 Mar, 2024 | News, Terralex
As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we also take a moment to honour the trailblazers who have paved the way and lit the path for future generations. This year, TerraLex, a leading global network of leading law firms, announced its top 15 Trailblazing Women in...
by Sean Slabber | 28 Jun, 2023 | News, Terralex
TerraLex is a leading international network of top independent law firms in over 100 countries and our contribution, authored by Bob Groeneveld, Gaby Meintjes, and Tashreek Miller, focused on what the key statutory environmental, social, and governance disclosure...
by Sean Slabber | 11 Nov, 2022 | News
Congratulations to Julia Penn and Dhahini Naidu who completed the Terralex leadership programme last week. The programme is designed for individuals who among other things have demonstrated leadership potential. Terralex member firms can nominate two individuals to...
by Sean Slabber | 6 Mar, 2021 | COVID-19 Advisories, News
How prepared was the mining industry sector for COVID-19? In which areas did mining flourish and innovate and where have challenges risen? This program will discuss these topics and more from the viewpoint of various regions of the world. (Recorded February 17, 2021)...