
When travel benefits end

When travel benefits end

By Ephraim Lehutso and Ciara Pillay The Legal Ruling on SARS's Travel Allowance Policy In a significant recent judgment, the Labour Court provided important clarity on the removal of an employment benefit in the case Public Servants Association of South Africa and 490...

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Just a spoonful of sugar | When guessing doesn’t pay

Just a spoonful of sugar | When guessing doesn’t pay

By David Short and Ciara Pillay In a recent Labour Court decision, Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v Godfrey Makaloi and 2 Others, the complexities of workplace misconduct were brought into focus when a seemingly minor incident escalated into a legal battle. The case,...

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Triumph for employee rights in 197A transfer case

Triumph for employee rights in 197A transfer case

In a significant victory for a group of twelve employees, the Constitutional Court recently refused an application for leave to appeal in a case concerning the transfer of business as a going concern under Section 197A of the Labour Relations Act (LRA). This landmark...

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Takis Biltong: Guarding against trade mark snack attacks

Takis Biltong: Guarding against trade mark snack attacks

In South Africa few names evoke the savoury delight of biltong quite like Takis Biltong. This family-owned business, cherished by many for over four decades, recently found itself in a protracted legal tussle against international food giant Grupo Bimbo. But as...

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How can we address implicit bias in healthcare?

How can we address implicit bias in healthcare?

Implicit bias in healthcare is an issue on the rise. It isn't a new issue, though; it's just getting more attention on how to handle it. Whilst bias might be an unfortunate part of all our daily interactions, in healthcare, it can significantly impact our health and...

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Applying the new Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court Rules

Applying the new Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court Rules

New Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court Rules: Which rules will apply to matters instituted before the new rules come into effect on 17 July 2024? On 05 June 2024, it was announced that the new Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court Rules will take effect on 17 July...

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Will the GNU change the future of BEE?

Will the GNU change the future of BEE?

South Africa recently celebrated its 7th democratic general elections, a milestone highlighting three decades of democratic progress. Over the past 30 years under African National Congress (ANC) rule, South Africa has transitioned from policies favouring the minority...

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