Law of Persons Sourcebook by Trynie Boezaart

May 8, 2017 | 2017, Book Review, News

Reviewed by Louis Rood.

The law relating to persons in South Africa, in all its complexity, diversity and intricacy has undergone significant constitutional reform, and continues to develop and respond to present-day cultural and societal changes. This is reflected in both case law and statutory enactments as our courts and legislators wrestle to get to grips with constantly unfolding and evolving dynamics in this critical area of law.

This sixth edition has been thoroughly reviewed and rewritten to bring existing sources up to date. Not only are the most important judgments analysed, but a considerable number of relevant statutes are reproduced either in their entirely or in part. Each entry is followed by comprehensive notes linking the quoted extracts to existing legal rules and other sources. In this way the legal rules are deftly illustrated and explained while the author also applies a problem-solving approach. All aspects of legal status which goes to the essence of the law of persons and the diverse factors such as age which influence status are comprehensively dealt with.

Trynie Boezaart BA LLB LLD, Professor of Private Law at the University of Pretoria, has authored this sourcebook, as well as its sister volume Law of Persons (6th edition 2016), from the publication of the first edition in 1995 (together with Rita Jordaan). She is an Advocate of the High Court of South Africa, founder of the Centre for Child Law at the University of Pretoria, and has served as an Acting Judge of the High Court. She edited Child Law in South Africa (Juta 2009), and has published widely on numerous aspects of the law of persons and related fields.

Whereas the author’s Law of Persons is also available in Afrikaans as Personereg, this sourcebook, for reasons of affordability, is only published in English, but older Afrikaans sources included are translated into English. The use of bold typeface, italics and variations in size of type for quoted extracts cited in cases and commentary, as well as avoidance of footnotes, is a nuts and bolts approach which works very well in the methodical and logical construction of the content of each chapter. The wealth of academic, professional and practical experience of the learned author is evident throughout in the lucid, straight-forward and illuminating notes and commentary. Publisher Juta, with its commitment to providing practical user-friendly tools of trade to its readers, is the ideal foil to the author’s presentation and style.

Law of Persons Sourcebook and Law of Persons are a brace of exceptional quality publications with a proven track record through five previous editions. This sixth edition will be welcomed as an ever-valuable resource in a field of law fundamental to the health, welfare and humanity of all who inhabit South Africa.

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