Book Review: Applied Law for Police Officials
Book Review
By C. Joubert
[Fourth Edition]
Juta & Co. Ltd | www.jutalaw.co.za
“There are not enough jails, not enough policemen, not enough courts to enforce a law not supported by the people.”
– Hubert Humphrey (1911 – 1978)
Review by Louis Rood, BA LLB, Chairman of Fairbridges Attorneys.
The fourth edition of this comprehensive book (also published by Juta in Afrikaans as Toegepaste Reg vir Polisiebeamptes) is an essential tool for not only members of the South African Police Service, but all citizens and organisations involved in the prevention and prosecution of crime.
The Constitution mandates the police to uphold safety and security for all in the country. Major General Leon Gossman, Head of the General Research and Curriculum Development Division of SAPS, considers this book as a work of reference that will “adequately equip police officials with hands-on knowledge of legislation to allow them to make informed legal and investigative judgments in the execution of their duties… It will support the nurturing of a new generation of police officials and enhance professionalism in the South African Police Service”.
The 20 chapters deal clearly and logically with policing powers and responsibilities, criminal prosecution, offences against person and property, the criminal justice process, arrest, detention and the use of force, bail, the law of evidence and numerous other key elements of policing. Relevant statutes and case law are set out, together with extracts from the Criminal Procedure Act and the Child Justice Act.
Author Cerita Joubert B Iur LLB (Unisa) LLM (Leiden) ND Pol Admin (TSA) highlights the importance of effective co-operation between an investigating officer and the victim of crime, other witnesses and the prosecutor, all of which will greatly improve the prospects of a successful criminal prosecution.
“Adv Cerita Joubert must be commended for her proficiency in updating and enhancing this publication and the South African Police Service must be lauded for every endeavour to empower police officials in the proper fulfilment of their duties.” – Judge P.J.Schabort