David Short

Phone: +27 11 593 3711
Mobile: +27 82 772 4525
Email: david.s@fwblaw.co.za
Areas of Expertise


David was admitted as an attorney in 1993 and specialises in Labour and Employment Law with specific focus on:

• Collective Labour law, ie. wage negotiations, handling of strikes and collective bargaining;
• Litigation before the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), Bargaining Councils and the Labour and Labour Appeal Courts on all aspects of Labour Law;
• Chairing Disciplinary Enquiries;
• Acting as Initiator in Disciplinary Enquiries;
• Drafting of employment policies and procedures and contracts of employment as well as collective agreements;
• Furnishing strategic advice to employers on labour related matters;
• Advising clients on the Employment Equity Act, Occupational Health and Safety Acts as well as the Labour Relations Act and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and other related Acts impacting on the Employment relationship.

David acts for State-Owned enterprises as well as multinational companies in the manufacturing, conservation, professional services and tourism sector as well as individual clients.


B Proc (University of Pretoria) (1989)

Membership of Professional Bodies

South African Society for Labour Law (SASLAW)


Listed in the Best Lawyer Guide for Labour and Employment Law 2022

Sat as an Acting Judge of the Labour Court of South Africa on two occasions

Matters in which David has appeared in before the Labour Court have been reported in the Industrial Law Journal

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David Short