11 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting My Articles
By Nadia Nassiep | Candidate Attorney
As I enter my second year of articles, I reflect on the journey so far and the lessons learned. The first year has been full of challenges, growth, and valuable insights that have shaped me into a more confident and capable intern. If you’re about to start your articles, it may seem daunting — two years of intense learning and hard work can be overwhelming. But trust me, it’s all part of the process, and every step is crucial in shaping you into a skilled attorney. Here’s some advice I wish I could’ve given myself last year, and what I believe will help you succeed in your journey:
1. You’re Going to Make Mistakes — It’s Inevitable
Perfection isn’t the goal, progress is. Expect to make mistakes along the way — it’s part of the process. You’re not going to get everything right on the first try, and that’s okay. Don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself to be flawless; instead, embrace the learning curve. The most important thing is not to be afraid of mistakes but to learn from them and keep improving.
2. Learn From Your Mistakes
Mistakes are your best teachers, so use them to your advantage. Your articles are an opportunity to grow, and part of that growth is understanding where you went wrong and how to avoid making the same error again. You are there to learn, and the mistakes you make now will lay the foundation for becoming a good attorney in the future.
3. Take It One Day at a Time
Two years might sound like an eternity, but trust me, time will fly by. Don’t get too caught up in the overall length of your clerkship or let the big picture overwhelm you. Focus on doing the best you can every day, and before you know it, you’ll be halfway through. Break things down, and take it one task, one day, at a time.
You’ll be surrounded by opportunities to learn — whether it’s from your mentors, your colleagues, or even from doing the work yourself. But remember, you are ultimately your own teacher. The value of your articles is what you make of it. My advice is to try to learn at least one new thing every single day. Whether it’s a new legal concept, a skill, or even a piece of practical advice, absorbing knowledge every day will help you build a solid foundation.
5. You’re Going to Be Running Around. A Lot.
From filing papers to attending court hearings and running errands, the first year of articles can feel like you’re constantly on your feet. Some tasks might not feel glamorous or exciting, but they’re all part of the job. Don’t overlook the mundane — each task teaches you something valuable, even if it doesn’t seem significant at the time. Embrace the hustle and be prepared to put in the effort.
6. You Know Nothing! And That’s Okay
University and practical work are two completely different worlds. It’s easy to feel like you know everything after years of studying, but once you’re in the thick of it, you’ll quickly realise how much you still have to learn. Go in with a mindset that you don’t know it all. The fundamentals of law you learned in university will serve as your foundation, but practical application is an entirely different playing field.
7. Respect Your Superiors
The people you work with have been in the industry far longer than you have, and some may have more experience than you’ve been alive. Respect their knowledge and expertise. Listen more than you speak, and learn from their guidance. One day, you’ll be in their shoes, and you’ll want the same respect when the time comes.
8. Respect Everyone Else
It’s not just your superiors who you should respect — everyone in the firm plays a crucial role. The support staff works just as hard as anyone, and they often have more insight into the workings of the firm than you might realise. Never think you’re above anyone because of your title. Everyone has something valuable to teach you, and building good relationships with everyone, from the receptionist to the senior partners, is key to your success.
9. Imposter Syndrome Is Normal — But Don’t Let It Hold You Back
Feeling like you don’t belong or that you’re not smart enough to be where you are is a very common experience. This is known as imposter syndrome, and it’s something nearly all of us go through. The truth is, you wouldn’t be there if you weren’t capable. You’ve earned your spot, and even though the self-doubt might creep in, don’t listen to it. You are exactly where you need to be, and you can do this.
10. You Don’t Have to Have It All Figured Out Now
The area of law you studied in university might not be the one you end up loving when you’re actually practicing. Your interests may evolve as you experience different areas of law firsthand. Don’t feel pressured to decide immediately which path you want to take. Keep an open mind and try your hand at different departments or practice areas. You might discover a passion for something you never considered, and that could change your career trajectory for the better.
11. Enjoy the Ride
The journey might feel bumpy, overwhelming, and even frustrating at times, but don’t forget to enjoy the ride. The ups and downs will make you stronger, more capable, and more resilient. There will be moments when you’ll want to quit or feel like it’s too much, but trust me, it will be worth it. Keep pushing forward, stay curious, and embrace every challenge as part of the process.
To the fresh LLB graduates starting their articles this year: trust the process, trust yourself, and keep learning.
The next two years will be transformative, and with the right mindset, you’ll come out of it with invaluable experience and the skills to thrive in the legal world.